Remote Viewing
My work has consistently looked at the notion of ‘remote’ in our lives.
It began with landscape and capturing the sense of place through abstraction and mark-making. Often I have been fascinated with the unseen, benign, the outsider or forgotten spaces in our society and edgelands. I have been influenced by artists who have tried to capture this in their work - Hopper, Dubuffet, Tapies, Rauchenberg... and poet/writers...
My practice is informed by working in my studio, away from the demands of everyday life. The modern-day promotion of individualism and the obsessive reliance on TVs, computers, gaming and phones have added to this interest – we are slowly removing ourselves from each other, we don’t participate directly, instead we are voyeurs.
The artist’s ‘down-time’ has brought home the importance of walking, communicating, with the local landscape every day. Looking, listening and allowing myself to think and be.
Objects found on walks, prints, casts, have played an integral part in the on-going work and has provided a starting point or a return to the looking at finds later...The enjoyment and random way that pieces have been ‘stumbled’ upon have been used in my house, garden and work... They are often recurring themes... ‘Inspired finds’... like in a jumble sale or charity shop.
Linn's image "Remote Viewing" (the first image on this page) was included in the Evolver Open 2014 and selected by Sherbourne Arts as part of the b-side bus stops.
Continuing from her 2014 Brisons Veor residency, Linn was awarded a second opportunity in 2015 to further develop her work "Quiet House".