Linn is a freelance artist living and working in Wiltshire. Her work is based on her love of walking, the ancient Wiltshire landscape, her keen eye and ability to find interest and beauty in the small, otherwise un-noticed details. On her walks she captures and collects these finds to use in her work. Chance meetings, discussions and finding connections between people, places and objects fascinate her and are often represented in her work.
Collecting both the benign and unusual, rusted agricultural gate hinges, fragments of sail, way markers, a scythe handle... modern day archeological finds whose forms, shapes and textures find their way into her work.
Ancient earthwork sites and landscapes that have been marked by man's presence have always interested Linn. The northern reaches of the New Forest, Cranbourne Chase and Wiltshire all offer areas of archeological significance that continue to inspire Linn; these are portrayed both directly and indirectly in her work.
She records, photographs and writes about sense of place, regularly sharing this via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, with her images relayed on her web site.
Linn often works in partnerships and has recently collaborated with Roche Court Sculptural Trust, Southampton City Art Gallery, Gingko Projects and Salisbury City Council. Her work has been widely recognised, and Linn was been awarded the Gingko Awards Bloor Homes Wiltshire Artist Bursary 2018, Wiltshire Museum Open Prize 2017, the a-n Professional Development and Travel bursaries 2017 and Evolver prize 2016.
Linn exhibits widely - in 2022 she will be exhibiting a new installation of work as part of insect odyssey at Salisbury Museum – 28 international artists were gifted insect books from Michael Darby of the Royal Environmental Society. The exhibition looks at how artists respond creatively to their chosen literature.